Monday, January 24, 2011

Work Mode

I know it's been a few days since I last posted anything. I swear I'm not being lazy. It's just that our business is back in full-swing. I have to admit that Yuri and I did get get a tad carried away with our out-of-town trips this month. Hey, we can only milk the-newly-wedded-couple-on-a-vacation excuse for so long. I could probably get away with that line for a year tops so we figured we'd squeeze everything in right after the December rush.

So yeah we're back in the real world, what with the pile of bills cropping up, which effectively cleared the rosy pink haze. Anyhoos, so we got this exciting gig for today and tomorrow which included breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. This event came as a pleasant surprise to us even if it was all terribly short-notice. As last-minute as everything was already, they suddenly decided to make a few changes on the menu and the head count at 2AM this morning. Yes you read right, 2AM THIS MORNING! Three friggin' hours before their supposed breakfast delivery. So I've been at my wits end since then trying to catch up to our delivery deadlines while revising our recipe quantifications. I even had to send my dear husband to make an emergency market run for the additional ingredients we needed due to the changes. So yeah fun times. Just another day at work. Our kitchen felt like a restaurant today . Non-stop action.

I'm so glad that despite the setbacks, Yuri still got great feedback from our client this afternoon. I'm so relieved! If the client's happy then I'm.. ecstatic! It's not over yet though. I'm crossing my fingers (and toes if that helps) that everything goes over smoothly tomorrow. If all goes according to plan, I'm hoping I can disclose who our first celebrity client is. :) For fear of jinxing it I shall keep my mouth shut for now. In the meantime, I have my costing sheets and recipes to keep me company. Oh and we're about to pre-prep one of our desserts in an hour. Cookies and Cream Cheesecake. Mmmmm.

Wish me luck!

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