Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brainwashing Manifesting in a Vitamin C Tablet

Allergy-induced colds are such a hassle.  I'm not alone though.  Almost everyone I know has some form of it this week.  I even vetoed Yuri's supposed jogging stint later at UP since he too has just recovered is still recovering from a bout of severe fever and colds.  MEN. Tsk tsk.

Anyhoos, I've started taking Vitamin C tablets even though my nutrition class professor pounded it in me that Vitamin C only works as a preventive measure.  So drinking fresh calamansi juice and taking Vitamin C tablets does absolutely nothing for you when you take it during your colds.  Shocking ain't it?  It'll help your body fight it's next cold/flu war but you've got no other recourse but to weather out your current battle (and drink the proper allergy/colds/flu medicine of course).  Yeah well, I drank my Vitamin C anyway as a guilt-reflex since I've been lazy with my supposed daily intake of vitamin supplements.  Plus, my mom's nagging errrr voice trumps my professor's sermons any day.  As I've discovered, independence and marriage never freed me from my mom's teachings.  I carry it around with me like a guilty conscience.  Ha! She'd be so proud.

These days I catch myself saying and doing the exact same things she used to do that used to annoy me to no end.  It's really not a bad thing since I love my mom to bits and she's been an amazing role model for me.  The point is that it's FREAKY!   

So there.  The 500mg Vitamin C tablet that I'll be drinking is an ode to you mommy dearest.  *me waving the white flag*


  1. Wow...this bug really has hit everyone! My little girl, my hubby, and myself all have it! I too still take loads of vitamin C even if I've been told the same :)

    Get well soon!

  2. Thanks! I'm getting there. Hope you guys are recovering too! I'm taking loads of meds and alternative stuff too just to cover all the bases. Haha. :)



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