Monday, January 3, 2011

Baguio Strawberry Fix

I've a bit of catching up to do.  Let me backtrack to a week ago.  Seven days ago I was in Baguio with Yuri.  I was on a mission.  The plan was to do nothing but sleep, cook at home, and get our Strawberry Taho fix.  We didn't want to deal with the Baguio traffic, which can get pretty ridiculous during the holiday season, so we planned our trips outside to a minimum.  Besides, we came armed with assorted sausages, mozzarella, shallots, garlic, rice, bread, a tray of eggs, and assorted seasonings so we were quite happy at home. 

On our second day there, we decided it was time to brave the streets of Baguio to go looking for our Strawberry Taho.  It took us a full hour to get to Burnham Park and then another hour to abandon our plan because we couldn't find a place to park.  So a supposed  ten-minute minute drive turned into a two-hour nightmare.  We went back to our place and switched plans.  We walked.  Not to Burnham Park but to Mines View Park.  It was just a ten-minute scenic trek from our place to Mines View and Good Shepherd.  I was just happy to get to somewhere after all the fruitless driving. 

Finally, there it was.  Strawberry Taho! :)  A snack of fresh silken tofu, strawberry syrup, and pearl sago.  It has real strawberry bits which makes it more believable.  Only in Baguio.  They sell the Regular Taho too but why'd you want to eat that when you can have this???  Bad news is that the price has been jacked up to Php 20 per cup.  It used to be only Php 15 per cup the last time I had it, but Mines View has always been a tourist hotspot so they could've been milking it and charging a bit more.

While I was there I bought some fresh strawberries as well.  I've never been a fan of ultra-crowded places but we were literally in and out of Mines View in five minutes.

Bottomline was, I got my strawberry fix and I was one happy girl.


  1. I had strawberry taho too! And Choco-Late! :D

  2. You were there too? lol. I'll write about the yummy Choco-Late tomorrow. :D



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