Friday, January 7, 2011

Mish Mash of East and West

I'm feeling loads better today!  Still not a 100% but at least I'm getting there.  Yesterday was a miserable for me.  I was stuck in bed with fever, colds, sore throat, and a touch of asthma.  My killer combo.  Ugh.  Thank God for Yuri (hubby) who patiently plied me with food and meds all day.  Luckily, he was in the mood for a Lord of the Rings marathon, which lasted all of 9 hours, so he wasn't complaining at all.

This is the third day and my palette is still completely shot.  Everything I eat tastes like paper.  So I figure it would be useless and pretentious to write about food when I have been barely eating.  I don't mean to turn this into a health blog but I was looking at all the stuff I've been inadvertently taking and realized that I am one messed up chick.  

So hypochondriac me did my own version of Bobby Flay's Throwdown.  Except this one's really geeky.  And should be on Discovery Health instead of Lifestyle.  Obviously I have too much time on my hands right.  Plus I'm extremely bored.  In any case, here it is. 

My East vs. West Challenge. Tada!... ?

Contender #1:  Alternative a.k.a. "Asian" Medicine
Siang Pure Inhaler, Echostore's Spa in a Bottle/Lifesaver, Pei Pa Koa Candies
I could've added Salabat Tea (Ginger Tea) but I ran out.  :(  Oh and can I just say that Echostore's Lifesaver is a dream!  Can't live without it.  I've got to thank my college bud Sheryl for replenishing my supply!

Contender #2:  Modern Medicine
Tempra Forte, Strepsils, and No-Drowse Decolgen
I decided to not include my allergy and asthma medicine to even out the playing field.    

Yes I took all these without even realizing it! Forgive my not-so-scientific methods, but hey some sort of combination did work because I got a 2-day turnaround!  

On one side we've got VCO (virgin coconut oil), peppermint, lavender, orange, menthol, eucalyptus, camphor, borneol, honey, and a blend of complicated Chinese herbs.

On the other, we have paracetamol, phenylphrine HCL, and dichlorobenzyl alcohol, and amylmetacresol.

I took both Strepsils and some Pei Pa Koa candies.  Two very different approaches to sore throat relief.  I've been taking Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa in syrup form since I was in grade school because it was said to relieve sore throat, lessen asthma, and decongest.  We lived in Malaysia for three years so we got the Chinese medicine influence from there.  No matter how biased I am, I have to admit that Strepsils did the job faster.   

Now let's get to the Siang Pure Inhaler and the No-Drowse Decolgen.  I took/used both for nasal decongestion and my headaches.  By the way, I've got to say that the Siang Pure Inhaler is leaps and bounds better, in terms of strength and effectiveness, than the Vicks Inhaler.  I discovered Siang Pure in Macau when I was suffering from colds and a killer migraine.  Of course Decolgen had an instantaneous effect but I have give props to Siang Pure for helping me breathe easier in between my Decolgens.    

Anyways you get the drift.  One bored person is enough.  I don't want to bore you guys too with my obsession for meds.

My conclusion?  I definitely prefer alternative medicine to modern medicine because a) i don't get any side effects, b) they come out cheaper most of the time, and c) ingredients are all-natural.  

However, they seem to work better for less severe symptoms.  For the virus that I have right now, my alternative meds definitely won't cut it.  But I think it did help speed up my recovery.  It sort of worked like a booster.

 So yeah, taking modern medicine will be the surefire way to recover for obvious reasons BUT if you've only got minimal or minor symptoms I'd go for the alternative meds first for the reasons I stated above.

And that's your tip of the day from Quack Dr. Michelle. Harhar.

Again I realize that I'm a product of a very confused society stuck in limbo where traditional and modern ways of living aren't at odds but are actually side by side.  Just go to Quiapo and you'll see what I mean.  Fortunetellers, various deities, and hawkers selling talismans are lined up outside of Quiapo church.  They're drumming up quite a business too.  I've no plans on tackling THAT today since I've still got a headeache thank you very much.

Oh well, at least I've got options.   

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