About this Blog

Our quest?

This blog's goal is to find sources (all and any!) of happiness and inspiration.  Happiness shape shifts into all sorts of forms; be it from a bag of oily shing-a-ling that you bought from a street hawker while sitting in traffic in the middle of the ever congested streets of Metro Manila, to painting your toes neon pink just because... you can, or watching Joe Flacco throw that oh-so-perfect pass to the end zone and then screaming your head off and waking the whole neighborhood since NFL games air here (in the Philippines) during the mornings, or from that evil satisfaction you get from obliterating your opponents in Scramble with Friends (and you ironically end up with less friends than when you started playing), or when you spend the whole afternoon making googly eyes with your special someone (don't worry we're keeping the mush level in this blog to a bare minimum).  I'm sure you guys get  my drift.

We, meaning Yuri and I, have committed to documenting all the things we find joy and amusement in.  We figure that we, your regular semi-normal (ish) middle class married couple, would have interests that would somehow coincide with yours.  If anybody else, aside for our uber supportive moms, ends up stumbling on our site and finds a way to simply relieve their boredom by mindlessly passing the time with one of our many, oh yessirreee there will be many, silly ideas, or picks up a new hobby or activity to relieve their stress at work, then we'd be ecstatic.

At this point you may be wondering  "Who the heck is are these people? and why are they on the B-List again?"

Our point is made.  We rest our case.

We would've preferred "My Life on the D-List" since that would've been more apt, but someone beat us to that domain name.  And then there's Kathy Griffin, who's no D-Lister, by the way.  Just saying.

So yeah, let me make a quick introduction.  Hi I'm Michelle, a 27ish not-so-newly married food-obsessed entrepreneur.  I'm a caterer, an avid food stalker/gawker, and a hardcore casual gamer, if there is such a thing.  I must've saved an entire village in my past life to have ended up marrying Yuri.  He's as nuts about food as I am, a UFC afficianado, a HUGE LOTR fan (like you wouldn't imagine), and everyone's go-to general knowledge encyclopedia.  Like if you find yourself in that Cash Cab game show and you get to call a friend for help, you'd call Yuri.  He'll be adding some much needed male perspective to this site.

So while our life goes on with it's usual ups and downs, we needed a place to write about what makes us happy, from the mundane to the not-so-mundane.  We figure, we could always use a healthy dose of positivity.  So yep this is that place... welcome to my life on the B-List!

Happy reading! :-)


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