Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Kind of Oatmeal

Mornings aren't my strong suit.  Never liked 'em.  It's a combination of things I guess.  I wake up hungry (always!), grumpy (most of the time), and usually the barrage of issues, if any, from work and home, tend to overwhelm me as soon as open my eyes.

Breakfast has always been the most vital meal of my day.  A good breakfast erases all my aforementioned rants.  I have no doubt that I'm Filipino through and through since my idea of a perfect breakfast is anything with sinangag (fried garlic rice).   I could pile on that rice and eat like there was no tomorrow.  You see, growing up I was blessed with an insanely efficient metabolism, but I have to admit, with every year that passes, it has been slowing down ever so slightly.  It's depressing really.  So now, I try to offset my usual greasy, carbo loaded but oh so yummy morning fare, with something healthy(ish), at least every other day.

This is my go-to oatmeal breakfast which sometimes doubles as a midnight snack.  It's been pretty effective.  And it doesn't leave me grumpy (that much) and doesn't leave me as hungry as its' flavored Quaker Oats equivalent which seems to be the only other option left.  The Sunny Select instant oatmeal has whole rolled oatmeal grains and oat bran which gives it a substantial bite, unlike the other instant oatmeal products you find with other brands that just turns to mush when mixed with hot water or mik.  Plus the fruit bits in the Sunny Select oatmeal, once rehydrated, are a lot chunkier than the Quaker oats version.  Everyone knows that oatmeal can be really boring, and the feeling can be akin to eating wet cardboard.  If you're easing into healthier breakfasts, and your slightly lactose intolerant like me (which prevents me from eating cereal with milk often), Sunny Select might be a good option.  You get fiber, loads of vitamins and minerals (like vitamin A, B6, folate, calcium, niacin, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus) with each serving.  It contains artificial flavors, sodium, and sugar, but these, I think, are outweighed by all the other health benefits you get.  I don't mean to sound like a commercial (lol), but I really tend to go on and on about food products that I love.  All the people close to me know that, and yes they do make fun of me for it.  What can I do?  I LOVE food. :)

Hey, it tastes good, that's the bottom line.  If you're not as lazy as me in the morning, you could put together instant rolled oats and throw in some cut up fruit (like bananas, or peaches), a touch of honey, and some hot water or milk.  But if you want something fast that you can grab and go that won't leave you depressed and tempted to go back to your old carbo loading breakfast routine (again, assuming that you're like me) then this Sunny Select oatmeal might be worth a try.  It comes in four flavors.  I first bought a box of this on a random trip to Subic in on of those duty-free stores there.  I was desperate to try more oatmeal options at the time.  Luckily enough, Shopwise has recently started carrying this product so now I can stock up.

My favorite flavor is peaches and cream.  Notice that there's a trivia question on each packet.  Not that it matters but it adds to the fun.

Again, let me just state for the record that I am in no way a representative or affiliated with Sunny Select nor was I paid to write about this.  Just in case somebody gets the wrong idea.  This is just me, sharing something I really like.

Oh and just in case you were wondering, the answer to the trivia question is John Paul Jones.  I have no clue who that is though.

~Mich :)

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