Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Milking the BK Card

I think this is one of the best VIP cards I've ever received.  This black Burger King Circle card gives me a whopping 20% off of my total purchase regardless of the amount.  Amazing!  This is like BK's version of Amex's elite Black Card.  At least that's how I feel every time I flash this card at the counter.  lol.  Pretty sad, I know, but I get such high from discounts.  I can't say I earned this all on my own.  I owe my cousin big time for this card.  Thank youuuuu!

There are only three things I order at BK.  My all-time favorite is the BK Singles Mushroom Swiss.  Omnomnomnom cheeeeese.  My only complaint, and this is just me being nitpicky, is that it's too small to hold me over until my next meal. :)

My top 2 pick would be the BK Classic Steakhouse Burger.  Yum-my.  Angus beef patty with lettuce, tomatoes, and crunchy fried onions.  The contrast of textures makes this burger really fun.  I prefer mine with barbecue sauce instead of mayo though.

I have seen pictures of the BK Mushroom Swiss Steakhouse Burger.  Yes it does exist.  I heard that it's ginormous and I can imagine how that would do me in.  The reviews aren't that good but I'd still love to try it.  It's too bad we don't have it here though.  Boo.  Oh well, moving on.

My top 3 pick would be the BK X-tra Long Chicken Sandwich.  This is my go-to order when I'm starving.  It's filling and relatively cheap-er.  That's value for money.  Plus you can't really go wrong with a chicken sandwich.  I prefer mine again with barbecue sauce instead of mayo, and then I sometimes stuff the sandwich with onion rings for added flavor and crunch.  So good.

I got the card mid-November and I think and we've used it for about 4 times since then.  The catch is that the card's only good til the end of the year.  That ain't funny.  Yuri and I, we've got our work cut out for us.



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