Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Lights

We just happened to be at SM Fairview last night to do a bit of emergency grocery shopping.  We've been completely slammed with gigs this month and I'm surrounded by food for more than 12 hours a day but the sad irony is that last night I was told that we had nothing to cook for dinner (at home) because we were all out.  True enough I checked our pantry last night and all we had left was a can of mushrooms and asparagus. A caterer going hungry in her own house.  That's just golden.

We remedied the situation last night and went SM Hypermart.  When we got the there the parking lot was crazy full and the people were lining the streets outside of the mall.  It just wasn't normal.  I looked closer and realized that everyone was looking up to the sky.  People were just watching and waiting for something.  We were driving around the parking lot trying to find a slot when the sky suddenly lit up.  It all suddenly clicked.  Fireworks. Duhhhh.

I got a few shots as we were parking.  It was a short display but it was so much fun watching the kids oohhh and ahhh at the same time.  Their eyes were full of wonder and awe as they clapped their hands in time with the explosions.  Adorable! :) Christmas was definitely in the air last night.

I forgot how much I love this season.  I haven't really had much time to appreciate it yet what with work being the busiest this time of the month.  I better get my Castanas and Puto Bungbong fix before the month ends. Nothing marks my Christmas season better than the sweet and nutty aroma of freshly roasted Castanas and freshly-made Puto Bungbong.  Two weeks left til Christmas day! :)

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