Thursday, February 3, 2011

On Pretty Pictures & My Laptop's Early Death

So my 3-year old Toshiba laptop suddenly keeled over and died the other day.  Oddly enough I'm not as depressed as I should be.  I guess I'm just extremely relieved that I manged to back up all of my files two days ago.  Thank God for that!  If I hadn't.... no no no I don't want to think about it. *shudders*  Luckily my jack-of-all-trades hubby is an IT guy as well.  He's still in the middle of reviving my laptop as we speak.  I didn't understand half of what he said about the whole mess (since IT talk almost always puts me to sleep).  All I know is that bringing it back to life is an extremely complicated process  Thanks to Yuri I have hope still.

Because of this tragic event, I was looking through my work files in my external hard drive earlier today to make sure that I DID manage to save everything there.  I didn't want to rejoice prematurely so paranoid me had to check again.  While going through and sorting everything, I came across some of my favorite pictures-- snapshots of dishes I'd done for our catering business.  I thought I'd share them here with you guys just in case, God forbid, something weird happens to my external hard drive anytime soon.  You never know.  I have terrible luck sometimes. *sigh* 

Chicken Adobo with Green Tomato-Basil Salsa

Apple Wonton Crisps with a Caramel Coulis

Vanilla Panna Cotta with Fresh Strawberries

Smoked  Salmon Blini with Herbed Cream Cheese

White Chocolate Mousse Tarts

Creme Brulee in action!

Carrot Cake Squares

As you can see, appetizers and desserts are my favorite things to make.  Plus they look really pretty in pictures. :-) 

Alright that's enough distraction for me today.  Time to get back to work.

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