Friday, February 11, 2011

The FAT Chicken!

Authentic Taiwanese Chicken Chop

Yuri and I decided to go on another midnight food escapade.  This is fast becoming a regular thing for us.  I know it's not the healthiest hobby (?) in the world, but it sure is fun!  Keeps the love alive. Haha.

I blame our midnight food binges on our irregular work hours, since we're used to being up until the wee hours of the morning   The upside to all this is that I get to discover and share with you guys all the interesting food joints that are open during off-peak hours.  The downside is indigestion and tighter clothes.  Oh well, I could live with that.    

It was already a little past midnight when we decided that we HAD to go out to eat.  You see, our midnight snack supply at home was running a little low... and we were really just looking for any excuse to go out.

We immediately thought of this Taiwanese fried chicken place that our friend told us about.  He was raving about this 24/7 Fat Chicken food cart in Eastwood that sells these huge fried chicken chops for less than a hundred pesos.  In other words, cheap potentially yummy fried chicken.  Who could possibly say no to that??

So off we went!  

We got there and Fat Chicken was the only stall that was still open.  The cart was attractive enough.  They didn't have pictures of their products though, so I kind of didn't know what to expect.  I did ,however, do a double-take when I saw their prices.  It read  "Fat Chicken Php 60.00" and "Php 65.00 Fat Chicken with unlimited rice"!?!?!  Huh???  A very dubious offer.  I was prepared to be underwhelmed.  It just goes against all fundamental rules and principles of food costing.  There had to be a catch somewhere.

Seasoning action!
Lo and behold the "Fat Chicken".  It's HUGE!  I'm telling you it really is BIG and the breading isn't even that thick.  I couldn't believe it when I saw it, especially since I knew that we only paid Php 60.00 for it.  It's a big flat chicken chop, fried Taiwanese-style.  The meat was surprisingly tender.  It wasn't dry and over-pounded at all as I thought it would be given the size of the chicken chop.  I like it that they fry it on the spot on a per order basis so you get it as hot, crispy, and juicy as it will ever be.

After frying, you're asked to choose between their Original (super-secret-Taiwanese seasoning mix) seasoning or the Chili seasoning.  Since it was our first time there, we went for the Original blend.  Our chicken chop was then liberally peppered with our choice of seasoning, and then cut up into strips.  Mmmmm yum.  The seasoning really makes the dish and it gives it its own unique flavor.  Without it, it tastes just like any other fried chicken.  

Fat Chicken Php 60.00
It's served in a styro box with a side of sweet and sour sauce.  This dish is definitely good enough for 2 people especially if you're eating it with rice.  It's steal for the price!  Imagine, an additional Php 5.00 allows you to eat as much rice as want.  Unreal.  I still can't wrap my mind around it.

If this is what their "Fat Chicken" looks like, I wonder how big their "Jumbo Chicken" is.  It must be ginormous.  Like an alien GMO chicken.  Hmmmm definitely worth investigating.  There, I just found myself another excuse to go back and check it out.  :-)

Address:  Eastwood City Cybermall Food for Fun Area, QC
                 Robinsons Galleria 4th Floor (beside Time Zone), Pasig

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