Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vanilla Gelato and My Very First Blog Awards!

April has been a month of non-stop parties and celebrations. Coincidentally, three very important men in my life were born in April; my dad, my brother, and Yuri. There's also my lovely mother-in-law who's birthday is also happening at the end of this month (Happy birthday Mom!). What are the chances right? :)

Because of all the parties we've been hosting and prepping for, I've decided to share an easy and tasty recipe that we used recently for my brother's party here.  This blog is all about making life easy, whether it be in the kitchen or when dining out. I've homed in on a simple dessert I picked up from my mom (an amazing chef and my #1 source for all things yummy!) when we cooked for my brother's party last April 9.  This Vanilla Gelato recipe will surely liven up any party especially in this unbearably hot season.  You won't even have to break a sweat I promise.

Vanilla Gelato

  • 1 scoop of your favorite vanilla ice cream
  • 1/2 T Chivas Regal
  • a pinch of a good quality instant coffee
  • a sprig of mint
  • 1 wafer stick

Find a nice dessert bowl to place your scoop of vanilla ice cream in.   Pour the whisky over it.  I prefer using Chivas for this one, but you can use whatever whisky you have on hand.  Dust it off with coffee and then garnish your bowl with mint leaves and a Champola wafer stick, every Pinoy's wafer stick of choice.  LOL.

Effortless and yummy!  Parties are all about making simple things look and taste spectacular.  With this dessert, I can guarantee that you'll have time to actually enjoy your own party and not get stuck in the kitchen looking and feeling all harassed. 

This April I'm also celebrating a little something.  No wait, scratch that.  A big something.  A week ago, Jan of I Love, Therefore, I Cook surprised me by choosing me to be one of the recipients of her blog awards.  I received not one, but eight awards!  This feels like Christmas. :)

I was floored when I found out about it!  I still am.  April is fast becoming my favorite month!  Thank you so much Jan for this incredible honor.  I met Jan through Pinoy Foodista, a fast-emerging Pinoy foodie community, and I can't wait to meet other talented foodies like her.  I'm humbled to be among one of the people she's picked out for these awards, and there are so many wonderful bloggers out there.  With this, I find it only fitting that I pass on these awards to bloggers who continually inspire me and make my mouth water with their delectable posts and creations!  Give their blogs some love.  *drum roll please* 

Tangled Noodle
I am the Witch
The Daily Palette
Jun Blog
80 Breakfasts

They're amazingly creative writers and cooks who weave a little part of themselves with each story they share.  :) 

So yeah this Vanilla Gelato is for all you wonderful people!  Thanks for making my month!  Cheers.

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