Friday, March 11, 2011

Flower Power

Yep I'm still here.  I've been slammed with work, pulling 19-hour all-nighters every two days.  Not that I'm complaining, oh no no don't get me wrong.  I love every stressful minute of it!

Hmmm ok that sounded a tad sarcastic, but it wasn't meant to be.  Honest. :-)  There's really nothing else in the world I'd rather be doing (in terms of work that is).   

I've taken my nosiness up a notch.  I've slowly sort of added flower-arranging to my list of responsibilities too (on top of overseeing the kitchen and logistics).  It has nothing to do with me being a total control freak really.  Well maybe a little (harhar), but that is completely beside the point.  Flower-arranging has become something I look forward to.   Flowers make me happy.  Plus the aesthetic aspect of it challenges me every time.  No two events are exactly alike so I play around with the kinds of flowers I use and the colors, WHILE sticking to the budget of course.  I used to get carried away when I first started; splurging on roses, carnations and all sorts of seasonal exotic flowers as accents.  LOL.  Yuri and I used to argue over it.  So I've toned it down since then without compromising the look and feel I'm going for.  We are running a business after all.  I've found a happy middle.

So for about an hour, while I'm with my vases, wires, and flower foams, all the stress and craziness of event-planning sort of takes a back seat.  I'm all zen when I'm working with flowers.  It really does relax me.  In fact, I'm about to start making some now.

My favorite look.  Simple and elegant.
 So yeah I'm that much closer to becoming Martha Stewart.  Awesome!

Erm just to be clear,  I'm talking about Martha Stewart sans the insider trading charge and the bad clothes.  I'm just saying!  She really is such a huge inspiration though. :-)

On a totally unrelated topic:  My heart goes out to all the families who lost their loved ones and their homes to the earthquake and the tsunami.  My prayers go out to you guys.  We can only hope that things don't get much worse than they already are. :-( 

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