Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Build Your Own BRGR at Burger Project!

Another Maginhawa St. must-try:  The Burger Project!

One of the perks of living in this part of Quezon City is this street right here.  Maginhawa St. provides Yuri and I with a varied selection of places to eat at depending on what type of chow we're in the mood for and how much our budget is.  (Check out our Italian Maginhawa St. date night at Friuli Trattoria.) 

We've been meaning to check Burger Project out for a while now.  Every time we'd pass by, the signage and look of the place made me more and more curious.   I guess it took us this long to give it a go because of my apprehension with the number of burger joints popping up all over the place.  A decent burger is definitely hard to find.

What qualifies as a decent burger you may ask?  In my book this means, one with a decent-sized and respectable tasting bun, quality toppings, sauces made from scratch, and a nice juicy seasoned all-beef patty that kind of falls apart when you take a bite into it.  Mmmmmmm.

When we got there, the place was starting to fill up.  Burger Project is a tidy operation (with only four employees) that could probably seat 30 people at most (including the outside seating).

We lined up at the counter and were handed these clipboards with our build-your-own-BRGR options.

Oh so many options... much more than I expected.  They left each of our burger's fate in our own hands, which I think is genius by the way.  That way, if my burger turns out horrible, then I wouldn't be able to pass off all the blame on them.   AND if, hypothetically, I did get it wrong the first time, I'd possibly go back a 2nd or 3rd time just to get the combination right.  Well-played.

Obviously the pressure was too much for me!  Just when I had finally, with much deliberation and nail-biting, decided on my toppings, sauce, and add-ons,  I looked up and saw their "designer BRGRS" menu on the other side of the room. Ack!

It completely threw me off!  I panicked, crossed out my "customized burger", and just went with the the French Lick Designer BRGR.  I was hungry, stressed,and confused, so I just wimped out of making my own burger.  This build your own burger thing is a lot more stressful than I thought it would be.

French Lick Php 245.00
I ended up with sesame bread, gruyere cheese, caramelized onion, bacon (Canadian!), lettuce, tomatoes, and their special BRGR sauce with a 100% angus beef patty.  I guess, my mini-meltdown was sort of worth it.  The lightly seasoned patty was surprisingly juicy, and their sweet(ish) and slightly tart mayo-based special BRGR sauce went surprisingly well with everything.  This burger fills you up just right.  I ate the only way I knew how.  Messy.  Nope these burgers are definitely NOT first-date material.  You'd have to roll up your sleeves and dig in.  I looked like a five-year-old kid who managed to steal a whole chocolate bar... erm except it was a burger.  Everyone knows that a good half of whatever food item a toddler gets a hold of ends up smeared all over his/her face and clothes.  BUT like that kid, I was happy and decidedly full. *burp*

Yuri's will power was a lot stronger than mine.  He went through with his own burger despite that darned Designer BRGR menu.

Yuri's customized burger Php 200.00

His burger was made up of sesame bread, gruyere cheese, onion rings, lettuce, teriyaki sauce, and their 100% Angus beef patty.  He was a happy boy!  We both were pleasantly surprised with the Angus beef patty because it was super juicy and fell apart the way a real freshly-made patty should.

Another reason why I wanted to try out this place was (and still is) their mozzarella sticks.  I heard they were awwwwesome!  Everybody's a sucker for mozzarella plus I heard their's were huge. [insert Yuri's snickering]  Not like those puny ones other restos try to pass off as mozzarella sticks.  Anyways, to my dismay they were all out.  Boooo.  We settled for the next-best-thing instead.

Onion Rings Php 65.00
Onion rings!  Nice and crisp and they were big rings of deep-fried white onion so we were happy with that.  I still want my mozzarella sticks though so I'll be back and I'm definitely building my own burger next time.  Ha! :-)

Address: 122 Maginhawa St., Teacher's Village, Quezon City

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